



2005 Event 2013 Event 2016 Event 2017 Event 2018 Event 2019 Event 2020 Event 2021 Event 20th Anniversary > Type: Dark > Type: Dragon > Type: Electric > Type: Fairy > Type: Fighting > Type: Fire > Type: Flying > Type: Ghost > Type: Grass > Type: Ground > Type: Ice > Type: Normal > Type: Poison > Type: Psychic > Type: Rock > Type: Steel > Type: Water Generation I: Kanto Generation II: Johto Generation III: Hoenn Generation IV: Sinnoh Generation V: Unova Generation VI: Kalos Generation VII: Alola Abomasnow (Mega) Aerodactyl Alcremie Alolan Forms Alolan Ninetales Alolan Vulpix American Event Amoonguss Amped Any Custom Pokémon Appletun Arcanine Arceus Arctovish Arctozolt Articuno Articuno-Galar Australian Event Azelf Bagon Bewear Blacephalon Blastoise Bulbasaur Butterfree Calyrex Celebi Centiskorch Chansey Charizard Charmander Chespin Chikorita Chimchar Cinderace Coalossal Cobalion Cofagrigus Copperajah Corsola Corsola-Galar Corviknight Cosmoem Cosmog Cresselia Crobat Cyndaquil Darkrai Darmanitan-Galar Darumaka-Galar Decidueye Delibird Deoxys Deoxys - Attack Forme Deoxys - Defense Forme Deoxys - Speed Forme Dialga Diancie Ditto Dracovish Dracozolt Dragapult Dragonite Drampa Drednaw Drizzile Duraludon Eevee English Event Entei Espeon Eternatus European Event Event Pokemon Exeggutor (Alolan) Fairy Farfetch'd-Galar Fennekin Flapple Flareon French Event Froakie Galarian Form Game Boy Icon Garbodor Gastrodon Generation I: Kanto Origin Generation II: Johto Origin Generation III Event Generation III: Hoenn Generation III: Hoenn Origin Generation IV: Sinnoh Origin Generation V Event Generation V: Sinnoh Origin Generation V: Unova Origin Generation VI Event Generation VI: Kalos Origin Generation VII Event Generation VII: Alola Origin Generation VII: Alolan Origin Generation VII: Let's Go Origin Generation VIII Event Generation VIII: Galar Origin Genesect Gengar German Event Gigantamax Giratina Giratina - Origin Forme Glaceon Glastrier Global Event Golduck Goomy Greninja Grimmsnarl Grookey Groudon Hatterene Heatran Ho-Oh Honchkrow Hong Kong Event Hoopa Hoopa - Unbound In-game Event Incineroar Inteleon Italian Event Japan Event Japanese Event Jirachi Jolteon Keldeo Kingler Krookodile Kubfu Kyogre Kyurem Landorus Landorus - Incarnate Forme Landorus - Therian Forme Lapras Latias Latios Leafeon Legendary Pokémon Let's Go Eevee Let's Go Pikachu Linoone-Galar Litten Low Key Lugia Lunala Lycanroc Machamp Magearna Magikarp Malaysia Event Manaphy Mareanie Marshadow Mega Evolutions Mega Stones Melmetal Meloetta Meltan Meowth Meowth-Galar Mesprit Metagross Mew Mewtwo Mienshao Mightyena Milcery Mimikyu Moltres Moltres-Galar Mr.
